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Continual Learning

“Teachers have three loves:  love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.” Scott Hayden


To be an excellent teacher, Sheelah believes that one must continually learn from experts, and she also gains insight from listening to and observing her own students.


Here are some of the workshops/conferences:​​​​​


 August 2019 - Sheelah was delighted to receive her RCM Intermediate Piano Teaching Specialist Designation.


January 2020 -  Attended the World Piano Teaching workshop and master class with piano virtuoso, Jarred Dunn. There was a special emphasis on studying the traits of excellent music teachers.


June 2020 -  Attended the virtual 75th National Association of Teachers of Singing  conference, and benefited from excellent workshops like Teaching Contemporary Music Theatre,  The Voice from Head to Foot: A Holistic Approach to Safe Vocalizing,  The Self-Assured Singer: preparing for Auditions, and Eat, Sing and Be Merry - A Singer's Guide to Nutrition fo Peak Performance in Singing.


Jan - Feb  2021 - Attended Alison Taylor's Alexander Technique art of breathing series. We explored how to expand and relax your voice and body, and the interconnection of the two.


January 31, 2021 - Attended the panel discussion on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour)music and composers, and found it very informative.


June, 2021 - Webinar "Mental Health in the Teaching Studio" with Ingela Onstadt from Courageous Artistry​​


January 16, 2022 - Attended NATS Chat - Contemporary Vocal Styles: Demystifying the Pedagogical Process Specifically for Pop/Rock


July, 2022 - Attended the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association Convention - appreciated the presentation from the Royal Conservatory of Music introducing the repertoire from the new 2022 piano syllabus.  Enjoyed the workshop on Contemporary Musical Theatre - Vocal Styles and Performance Practise.  Also was inspired by the performances of young, competitive pianists and vocalists at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario


June, 2023- Workshop with Lindsay McIntrye at the Canadian Music Centre, dealing with music performance anxiety, root causes and mindfulness.


November, 2024 - Successfuly completed the Royal Conservatory of Music Advanced Teaching Specialist course.



23 Hatherton Crescent,

North York, ON M3A 1P6

Tel: H-416-449-4745

        C -416-428-4745

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